You and Me 1 - Lösungen Unit 11 - Food


  1. Food: carrot, tomato. toffee, bread, cheese, spinach, egg, beans; Things to drink: orange juice, milka shake, water, apple juice, coffee; Sweet things: fruit gum, chocolate, ice cream, lolly;
  2. Tom likes chipgs, mustard and carrots. She likes chips, cheese and milk. She likes hot dogs, cheese and cakes.
  3. Next, please. What do you want, Tina? A fishburger/chickenburger/hamburger with ketchup/mustard please. One fishburger/chickenburger/hamburger with ketchup/mustard and one chicken nugget/doubleburger/cheeseburger, please. Anything else? Chips, please. Small, medium or large chips? One large and one small, please. With mustard? No, thank you, only ketchup. Anything else? Two cokes/ice teas please. Large, medium or small? One large, one medium. That is £7.20.
  5. - (Food bingo Wähle fünf Dinge auf der Bingokarte. Schreib die Wörte auf ein Blatt Papier. Wenn dein Lhrer/deine Lehrerin die Wörter, die du gewählt hast, vorliest, streich die Bilder durch (mit Bleistift). Ruf "Bingo!", wenn alle deine fünf Wörter durchgestrichen sind.)
  6. - Bei jedem individuell
  7. thing: thank, think, thief, thirteen, thirty, Thursday, three, through; this:their, that, then, the, there, they, mother, father;
  8. Does Peter like hamburgers? No, he does not. What does Peter like? He likes chicken and chips. Does he like vegetables? Yes, he does. What is his favourite vegetable?


  1. - (Picture dictionary)
  2. Man: doubleburger, chicken nuggets, chips small, ketchup, coke medium; Girl: cheeseburger, chicken nuggets, chips large; Boy: doubleburger, fishburger, ketchup, mustard, orange juice medium, strawberry milk shake large;
  3. - (Read through the dialogue and then listen to it. Then act it out in groups of three)
  4. - (Work with a partner. Munchie and Crunchie love eating and drinking. Partner A picks Munchie's seven favourite things from the picture dictionary, and writes them on a piece of paper. Partner B does the same for Crunchie. You have fifteen guesses to find out what these things are.)
  5. - (Find somebody who... Look at the list below. Walk around in class. Ask your classmates:)
  6. - (Work in pairs. Fill in the list. Ask kyour partner about your teacher: Tick the answer boxes. Then your teacher says what he/she likes. Count your partner's correct guesses. My teacher's name:)
  7. - (Grammar rhythm Listen to the grammar rhythm. Then do it in class.)

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