- Tür: door, Tisch: table, Tafel: (black) board, Stuhl: chair, Fenster: window, Boden: floor;
- (von links nach rechts): six, nine, seven, eight, two, one, three, four, five;
- (von links nach rechts): eight, five, four, three, eleven, eight;
- (von links nach rechts): one mountain bike, six socks, two clowns, seven bananas, three cameras, eight hamburgers, four pizzas, nine t-shirts, five rings, ten stars;
- Three blue chairs: drei blaue Stühle, a pink board: eine rosane Tafel, a green desk: ein grüner Tisch, two red stars: zwei rote Sterne, a blue banana: eine blaue Banane
- 1: stand up, 2: turn around, 3: touch the floor, 4: touch your desk, 5: walk around your chair, 6: point at the board, 7: point at the door, 8: point at the window, 9: jump, 10: sit down;
- two doors, ten t-shirts, four desks, eleven stars, seven cats, ten socks, six chairs, twelve bananas;
- - (Listen to the song)
- (von links nach rechts): video cassette, computer, walkman, skateboard, volleyball, guitar, hamburger, jet, basketball, mountain bike, orange juice, swimming pool, racing car, hot dog, dancing, space shuttle;
- - (Picture Dictonary)
- one orange, twelve cameras, seven T-shirts, nine stars, three cats, ten rings, six bananas, two mountain bikes, five clowns, four pizzas, eight hamburgers, eleven socks;
- Janet: 384951, Kate: 497381, Steven: 903705, Patrick: 307420
- - (Ask four children in class and take notes.)
- 1: door, 2: desk, 3: English book, 4: chair, 5: overhead projector, 6: cassette recorder, 7: window, 8: floor;
- - (Keep fit Listen and look at the pictures. Then close your books. Listen again and mime the actions.)
- (von links nach rechts): 4, 8, 6, 2, 10, 9, 3, 7, 1, 5;
- 5-3-4-2-8, 9-2-0-3-7-6, 6-8-7-0-2, 4-3-2-1-7-9;
- - (Colour the picture.)
- - (Colour the things on T-shirt number 1. Then ask your partner the questions below. Colour T-shirt number 2.)Tür/door: orange/orange, Stuhl/chair: rosa/pink, Tafel/board: gelb/yellow, Tisch/desk : blau/blue, Boden/floor: rot/red;
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